Welcome to T.C. Hurst Landscaping's

Employee Benefits Offer!

Health | Dental | Vision | Disability | Life | Accident | Critical Illness | Hospital | 401K

Please Watch The Overview Video & Schedule Your Personal Benefits Enrollment Meeting With One of The Licensed Enrollment Specialists From Our Partners at Benefits For Trucking.


We Receive During Enrollment Meetings

Can I Cover My Family Members?

Absolutely! All plans options are available for you and your family, with dependent coverage until age 26.

Can I See Any Doctor I Wish?

Your IHP Health Plan DOES Have a Network for Clinics That You Must Utilize to Make Sure You Are Utilizing In-Network Benefits and Not Getting Surprise Out of Network Bills.

What Is My Out Of Pocket Max Mean?

You Have a Zero Deductible Co-Pay Only Plan. This Means Your Out of Pocket Maximum is the Sum of All of Your Co-Pays Accumulating Throughout the Year.

Can I Enroll in Other Plans if I Do Not Enroll In Health Insurance?

You Sure Can! This Entire Menu is A-La-Carte! Your Advisor Will Help Guide You Through What is Most Important For You Individually as Well as For Your Family.

Does Life Insurance Require an Exam

We Have Options That DO NOT Require Any Medical Exams and Also Allow Access to Larger Policies Which Do Require Medical Exams If You Wish to Acquire a Higher Policy Level.

Medical Insurance Overview

Dental | Disability | Life | Accident | Critical Illness Overview

Insurance Options Provided By

Account Manager | Jim Hilty

(419) 350-1572 Direct